Thursday, January 22, 2009

Wikispaces look great for a school library!

While looking for something new at the Web 2.0 Awards site, I found something I thought would be really fun and malleable for a school library. I say school library because Wikispaces is giving away 250,000 free wikispaces to educators right now. I can see a media specialist setting up one of these (after clearing the site with the district so it's not blocked when kids try to use it) really easily. Books and programs could be promoted on it. For example, after a child reads a Golden Sower nominee, s/he could add his or her own "teaser" for others to read and then they might check out the book and add their own "teasers" or "book trailers" like they do at the movies. If the school hosts a summer reading program, it could be accessible through this wiki also. It says that Wikispaces won't see email addresses, that users can choose who can view and edit this wiki, and that it'll be hard to find through a random Google search. I would think these precautions would keep students fairly safe and yet still expose/teach them a safe way to socially interact using Web 2.0 skills. Students might also better understand why a teacher won't accept Wikipedia as a source for research papers, too, after being wiki participants. If I were a school library, I'd try this product...after all, it's free and easy to use!

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