Friday, January 23, 2009

Final thoughts & applications

First and foremost, I'd like to thank the NLC for providing the 23 learning opportunities we have all experienced together. It was fun to gather around a computer to help one another when technology wasn't cooperating with us. It was also fun seeing what others put on their blogs. My creativity level is different than everyone else's and that is great!

I really enjoyed Flickr and learning to PB wiki. I hadn't ever edited a wiki before! It's kind of fun! The most frustrating experience during these past weeks was lack of cooperation in the technology department.

My library class this semester requires us to use Delicious for four of our assignments, so the practice on using Delicious (or is it Delicious practice?) was a good refresher before I turn in my first assignment on Sunday. I think I will also use Blogger more. We are taking my nine year old to Washington D.C. for a whilrwind tour in February. I thought he could post photos he has taken of different sites and write some posts each day and then we could email the link to his teacher for classroom use (and for our own use later on). In case he is not allowed to blog at school, I think it will be an educational opportunity for him. I'm looking forward to it!

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