Sunday, November 9, 2008

Ain't technology great (or not)?

I'm glad the Commission put this 23 things program together so we can all be daring enough to learn about what our patrons are using or talking about when they come to the desk. It's just too bad that I didn't know some of these things before I took the technology class at UNO this summer. The learning curve for web 2.0 wouldn't have been as steep. Technology is a great thing...when it's working and when you're near a computer (and an Internet source). I am having fun learning when I'm near both!


Bob said...

THING #11:
"Also be sure to add at least one comment to another participant's blog. That's what online communities are all about - connecting and communication. :)"

Soooooooo....this is a comment from Bob-"Technology only works when people RESPOND to what you send!!"

Kids R Great said...

I agree--technology is great when it works. Computers can do wonderful things, but when they aren't working the way they are supposed to (or when the power is out!) it can be very frustrating! We depend on technology so much that it's hard to get along without it anymore.