Friday, October 31, 2008

I found some RSS feeds of interest

In order to subscribe to some blogs of interest, I often google to search for it. I'm hoping that if the blog doesn't have an RSS feed, that copying and pasting the web address into the "subscribe" box in Google reader will keep me up to date instead. I guess I'll find out, right? Like I said earlier, these subscriptions would be great to add to our website in some respects, but it's easy to get carried away and never read all of your updated blogs because you run out of time. Whereas I am out traveling around the county for a great portion of my day, short of having wireless internet I am unconnected with the rest of the world except via cell phone. So I am away from "my desk" a lot.

1 comment:

Mike said...

So you have time for this nonsense when you should be spending your time studying?????